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Company Reports

13 September 2024


SSIA Site Visit: Indonesia’s Future Industrial Hub

Indonesia’s Future Industrial Hub


■ Subang Smartpolitan, Patimban Port, & Karawang Site Visits on 11-12 Sept. We visited SSIA’s Subang Industrial Estate, Patimban Port, and Karawang to deepen our understanding of their ongoing projects.


■ We received updates on BYD’s 108-ha EV factory progress. Dormitories for BYD’s construction employees are almost completed, while the land for the factory is undergoing compacting process.


■ SSIA plans to connect Subang Smartpolitan with Patimban Seaport, located 40 km north, via toll road, which is expected to begin in 4Q24 and finished by 2026. Upon completion, the current 2-hour travel time between the two facilities will be cut by more than 70%. Regarding the seaport, the first development phase has been achieved and will see further capacity expansion for car from 281k to 600k and container from 250k to 3.75mn TEU by end-2027. Additionally, the port's sea depth of 10m will be deepened to 14m by 4Q25 to support bigger vessels.  In the long run, port capacity will rise to 7.5mn TEU, with sea depth of 17m.


■ We expect SSIA's short and medium-term growth to be driven by BYD-related investments into Subang Smartpolitan, which should result in further earnings improvements. In terms of valuation, SSIA’s NAV stands at IDR 4,200/share, reflecting 66% discount to current price.  BUY.

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Site Visit Notes SSIA

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