Maksimalkan trading-mu tanpa biaya tambahan! Buka akun di Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia dan nikmati akses data real-time TradingView GRATIS. Analisis lebih akurat, trading lebih cepat langsung dari TradingView.
Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia dengan bangga mengumumkan kolaborasi inovatif dengan TradingView, platform analisis teknikal terkemuka di dunia. Kolaborasi ini menandai pencapaian penting dalam perjalanan Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia, karena Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia adalah perusahaan sekuritas pertama di Indonesia yang bermitra dengan TradingView. Kolaborasi ini menjadi bukti komitmen Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia untuk terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi para nasabahnya.
Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia is a leading Indonesian securities brokerage firm. Established in 1997, the firm has grown to become one of the most respected and trusted financial services companies in the country. With a wide range of services and products, Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia has become a trusted partner to many investors, both institutional and individual.
The company offers a variety of financial services, including equity, debt and derivative securities brokerage services, research and portfolio management, asset management and capital market services, as well as a range of other investment solutions. Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia is also a leader in providing financial education and training, and has established itself as a leading provider of investor relations services.
The company has a strong research capability and is committed to providing its clients with up-to-date and reliable market analysis and recommendations. It also has a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who are dedicated to providing quality service to its clients. As a result, Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia has become a preferred partner for many investors in Indonesia.
In addition to its financial services, Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia also offers a range of other services, such as corporate finance and advisory services, mergers and acquisitions, and venture capital.